Cyber Attacks = Opportunities Created by Online System Weaknesses Data Center Operators – Downtime Experienced in Past Year per Uptime Institute 40% 31% %) ( 25% A financial services firm engaged a Mandiant Red nts Team to evaluate the effectiveness of its information de security team’s detection, prevention & response on20% capabilities. The team was able to obtain full esp R administrative control of the company domain & compromise all critical business applications without of e any software or operating system exploits. r ha S Instead, the team focused on identifying system misconfigurations, conducting social engineering attacks & using the client’s internal tools & documentation. FireEye Threat Research, 4/19 0% 2017 2018 Source: Uptime Institute 2018 Report. FireEye Note: Uptime Institute is a professional services organization best known for its data center tier standards for data center uptime. Each year, it conducts a survey of 900 data center operators on a variety of topics, including data center outages. Internet Trends 208 2019