Digital Media = Encrypted Messaging / Traffic Rising Rapidly Select Messenger MAUs % of Web Traffic Encrypted 8B 100% 87% ers l e Us a v b o ti l 53% c 4B G A , c y i l f 50% f a nth r T Mo b e W f % o 0 0% 2014 2015 2016 2017 Q1:16 Q3:16 Q1:17 Q3:17 Q1:18 Q3:18 Q1:19 Default End-to-End Encryption Optional / Announced End-to-End Encryption No End-to-End Encryption Source: Google, Tencent, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Telegram releases & Morgan Stanley estimates. Note: *iMessage2 MAUs calculated by install base of Apple iPhones, as estimated by Credit Suisse (2014-2017). WhatsApp employs end-to-end encryption by default. Facebook Messenger has end-to-end encryption capabilities but users have to Internet Trends manually enable them. Instagram does not have end-to-end encryption but Facebook is planning to add that feature & make Facebook Messenger encrypted by default (1/19). All 168 2019 Gmail messages are encrypted at rest and in transit. Fortinet Q3:18 Quarterly Threat Landscape Report (11/18). HTTPS = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure is the secure protocol over which data is sent between the browser and the website the user is connected to.