Economy / Employment (USA) = Unemployment @ 19 Year Low… Job Openings @ All-Time High…Wages Rising Real GDP vs. Median Real Weekly Earnings, Unemployment Rate, USA Job Openings, USA All Workers Over 16, USA $24T 30% 10MM $360 e g e a t W P a R * ly t s k GD n e l e ing e a m n W e $12T 15% e l $340 R loy 5MM a p Op u m s e b U o n J U ian d e M $0 0% 0 $320 1928 1958 1988 2018 2000 2006 2012 2018 2000 2006 2012 2018 Civilian Unemployment Real GDP Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve FRED Database, Bureau of Economic Analysis, BLS. Note: Real GDP based on chained 2012 dollars. Unemployment rate = annual average. *A job opening is defined as a non-farm specific position of employment to be filled at an establishment. Conditions include the following: there is work available for that position, the job could start within 30 Internet Trends days & the employer is actively recruiting for the position. Wages refers to usual weekly earnings of wage & salary workers. Usual weekly earnings represent earnings before taxes & other 219 2019 deductions & include any overtime pay, commissions, or tips usually received (at the main job in the case of multiple jobholders). Usual definition per discretion of interviewee.