Online Education (Post-Graduation Income Sharing) = Lambda School Lambda School – Post-Secondary (Global) Income Share Agreements Students 2K udents St hool Sc1K bda The traditional higher education model downloads the Lam financial risks to the students. Universities aren’t e v incentivized to help students succeed because tuition ti is paid up front. Not at Lambda School. Ac We only succeed when our students do – with our ISA model, students pay no tuition until they have landed a job earning $50K or more. By aligning the incentives of Lambda School 0 with those of the student, we eliminate the financial risk. 1/18 4/18 7/18 10/18 1/19 4/19 Ultimately, we help people with raw talent refine their skills & match them with great, high-paying careers they love. Austen Allred – Co-Founder & CEO, Lambda School, 6/19 Source: Lambda School (6/19). Internet Trends 245 2019