Health Insurance Management = Simplifying + Centralizing User Experience Modernized Management = Oscar = Re-Imagining Legacy Systems Digital Health Management Oscar Memberships, USA 300K We have our own claims system we’ve been building, we have our own clinical management system, we built our networks ourselves – pretty much A everything that we do internally to manage US people’s healthcare was reinvented & , ps rebuilt from a technology perspective & so hi s r 150K that’s what we can now go faster toward. be m Me We can hire more engineers, we can hire ar c s more data scientists, more product designers, O more smart clinicians who can think about health care a different way. Mario Schlosser – CEO / Co-Founder, Oscar Health, 8/18 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Source: Oscar Health, Mario Schlosser Interview with Wired (8/18). Note: Oscar data as of the first month of each year based on enrollments timing. Internet Trends 283 2019