Online Education Costs = Can Be Lower vs. Offline Arizona State University Online Education Programs / Tool Undergraduate Degree Tuition / Fees (4 Years) $160K $145K The key to lowering cost is the introduction of technology & new methods that help student success. The key to stimulating [this] innovation is to change the focus $80K of the culture at a university from the faculty to the students. $65K If you change the focus from faculty‐centric to student‐centric, $55K $55K you realize you need more tools to achieve certain objectives. At Arizona State, we need tools for active learning, adaptive learning (advising tools, artificial intelligence‐based simulation tools & gaming tools) all in addition to the faculty & advisors that we have. Innovation is absolutely essential when you start $0 thinking about the success of every student. Arizona Non- Arizona Non- Resident Resident Resident Resident Michael Crow – President, Arizona State University, 6/16 Offline Online Source: Arizona State University (5/19). Wiley Online Library Interview (6/16) Internet Trends 258 2019