China and Asia Pacific/Japan Have Edge in Data Maturity IDC’s global survey in support of this project indicates that other regions are beginning to eclipse the U.S. in certain measures of data maturity. In particular, China and APJ show better metrics in several areas. China and APJ are more likely to have corporate-driven digital transformation initiatives, to be able to quantify the value of their data, and to increase their usage of edge computing (Figure 15). This is helped in emerging markets by a lower level of investment in older legacy IT. Question Do you expect your organization's utilization of edge computing to increase in the next 2 years? Figure 15 – Increased Use of Edge Computing 100% 90% % 80% 99 % % 70% YES 91 88 % 60% 82 50% YES YES YES 40% 30% 1,426 20% 584 10% 298 0% China APJxC U.S. EMEA Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate, n=959 IDC White Paper I Doc# US44413318 I November 2018 The Digitization of the World – From Edge to Core I 19