Chapter 4 IDC Guidance Enterprises must rise to the data Invest in the edge guardianship challenge Intelligent data is being sought to drive our As data is shifting from a consumer-centric businesses and lives in real time and on-the-go. model to an enterprise-centric model, this Many times, data has no time to travel from an increases the burden on enterprises to provide endpoint to the core and back when informing an excellent experience. Enterprises are real-time decisions. The enterprise edge helps responsible for providing correct insights and to bridge this gap. Whether taking on data excellent customer experience, even storing analytics or simply storing analyzed and customers’ digital lives. Ensure your data model intelligent data, the edge will play an increasing provides secure, ubiquitous, real-time access to role in enabling a real-time world. services and data. As consumers become more demanding of the experience in their digital lives, Ensure your organization is companies must ensure that they are providing data-ready data and services that are real-time, on the go IDC developed the DATCON index to characterize via any network, and are personalized. the readiness level of different industries, and to Cloud migration is strategic enable individual companies to assess their level of readiness across a number of metrics. When it comes Cloud providers have emerged as a serious to improving data readiness, it is important for contender for enterprise data storage and executives to lead corporate initiatives, make certain services. The largest providers have resources, that budgets exist, and ensure that data-savvy scale, security, and performance that few workers are hired and empowered to execute. enterprises can match. Their global reach enables businesses to provide services to global Ready your IT organization for geographies, and their centralized access digital transformation enables company resources to tap into all of a Organizations born of the days when IT company's data to drive analytics today and departments dealt with back office file-and-record artificial intelligence in the future. processing are now facing a deluge of real-time, interrupt-driven bits and bytes from field Take a global approach to your data organizations. Many IT organizations are finding It is increasingly important for companies to take themselves being given responsibility for physical a global approach to their data to provide security as well as data security, for operational low-latency, better customer experience and to data that was once sequestered on the factory address regulatory and compliance pressures floor, the grid, or the operating room, and for requiring operators to locate data in regions in integrating data repositories previously kept in which customers are located. Whether in their separate silos. Dealing with digital transformation own datacenters or via cloud providers, will require not just new technology, but also new companies need to consider which data needs to skills, political savvy, and relationships with top be located as close as possible to their customers management. and where in the network it should be located (core vs. edge, cloud vs. own datacenters). IDC White Paper I Doc# US44413318 I November 2018 The Digitization of the World – From Edge to Core I 25