Methodology The Measure of the Global Datasphere The Global Datasphere is a measure of all new data that is captured, created, and replicated in any given year across the globe. An installed base of over 70 categories of geography and industry. Content creation and content creation/capture devices, including capture and replication and consumption embedded systems in devices like calculations were applied to this installed base automobiles, gasoline pumps, vending of devices. machines, and kiosks, were sized by The aggregation of all these calculations is called our Global Datasphere. The broad category of devices includes: 1 Non-entertainment imaging e.g., medical imaging, MFPs, surveillance cameras, etc. 2 Entertainment e.g., digital TV/radio, movies, video games, etc. 3 Productivity e.g. PCs, servers, supercomputers, metadata, embedded systems 4 Voice e.g. mobile phones, VoIP, etc. IDC White Paper I Doc# US44413318 I November 2018 The Digitization of the World – From Edge to Core I 27