The DATCON index is a calculated score that is through global surveys, ongoing IDC research, synthesized across six assessment vectors and expert analysis, and proprietary modeling numerous associated metrics informed techniques. These assessment vectors include: Data growth and investment C-level involvement Digital transformation Data value competency competency Leadership self-score IT structural assessment For this study, IDC focused on four industries to develop the DATCON index: Financial services Healthcare Manufacturing Media and entertainment For additional information about the DATCON index methodology and detailed findings by industry, Click here DATCON Industries Comprise Nearly Half of the Enterprise Datasphere The four DATCON industries chosen in this study (financial services, manufacturing, % healthcare, and media and entertainment) 48 comprise 48% of the Enterprise of the Enterprise Datasphere, with manufacturing Datasphere responsible for the largest share of data, followed by financial services and media and entertainment (Figure 17). IDC White Paper I Doc# US44413318 I November 2018 The Digitization of the World – From Edge to Core I 21