Health Networks = Aligning Provider Teams Across Organizations Aligned Care Teams = Collective Medical = Improving Outcomes @ Lower Cost Real-Time Collaborative Health Network Network Growth + Patient Impact We strive to empower a distributed care team 60MM 1.4MM to act with aligned purpose, aware of what each individual member is doing – ar) B ) even if representing differing organizations – ne ue Li all united by their shared stewardship l B ( Red for the patient. A ( , US A ts 30MM 0.7MM i , US You can either throw a tremendous number s i ts V gh of expensive, scarce bodies at the problem ute i –which isn’t scalable – or you can use c Ins A e e v technology. I’m not talking about mere v ti ti ec ec l notifications that an encounter has l Col occurred, which we also do, but a deeper Col level of collaboration. 0 0 Chris Klomp – CEO, Collective Medical, 6/19 Acute Visits Insights Source: Collective Medical Technologies Inc. (6/19). *2019E represents annualized data as of 6/19. Note: Acute Visits = Internet Trends Patient-Provider interactions (ED visit, IP stay). Insights = Unique provider-provider actions taken to optimize patient care 277 2019