Online Discovery = Improving Accessibility + Availability of Care Optimizing Perishable Inventory = Zocdoc= Accelerating Access to Care Digital Healthcare Marketplace ZocdocMonthly Patients, USA Healthcare providers partner with 8MM Zocdocto fill their 20-30% unused, perishable inventory. This dramatically accelerates access to A care for patients. , US While patients who call wait an average of 24 ts en days to get in to see a doctor, when booking ati P 4MM y online via Zocdoc, the typical appointment l happens within 24-72 hours. nth Mo Because of this win/win, in our first market c NYC, one in five new patient-doctor do oc relationships is established via Zocdoc. Z Our other markets are following the same trajectory. 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Oliver Kharraz M.D. – CEO / Founder, Zocdoc, 6/19 Source: Zocdoc (6/17, 6/19) Internet Trends 278 2019